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Multi-Bar Functions


Sum of values since a condition was last true, or until it becomes true


SumSince(condition, expression, count {0}, nth {1})


condition - formula to evaluate for each bar until true (non-zero)

expression - formula to evaluate for each non-true condition bar and add to a running sum

count - how many bars back to go (optional)

nth - which instance of condition to use (optional)


For each bar until condition is true, expression is evaluated and added to the sum.

The sum does not include the value of expression for the bar where the condition becomes true.

If condition is immediately true, the result is 0.

If nth is positive, condition is evaluated for the most recent bar, then continues back in time until the nth non-zero value is found.

If nth is negative, condition will be evaluated for the most recent bar, then continues forward in time until the abs(nth) non-zero value is found.

If nth is not specified, the default is 1.

Count most be provided if nth is to be provided (use 0 for the default of "all bars")

This function supports one-pass calculation when used in the Data Section without the optional arguments.






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