Multi-Bar Functions
Symbol of stock with lowest correlation to the current stock
CorrelMin(filter, expr, count, spearman {0}, log {0})
filter - stock filter formula
expr - value to correlate
count - lookback period
spearman {0} - use Spearman's Rank Correlation method (default is to use Pearson's Correlation)
log {0} - log the individual correlations when the formula is evaluated
CorrelMinSym(InDJI, ROC(C,1), 20) would return the symbol of the DJIA constituent with the lowest 20-bar correlation to the current stock.
The symbol is returned as both a number and a string. Use SymRef to refer to symbol with Extern.
See also Correl, Spearman, CorrelAvg, CorrelMed, CorrelMin, CorrelMax, CorrelMaxSym