RealTest User Guide
RealTest User Guide



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Multi-Bar Functions


Count of bars in a row for which a condition was true


TrueInRow(condition, count {0})


condition - data series formula

count - lookback period (optional)


Condition will be evaluated for the most recent bar first, then proceed back in time until a FALSE (0) value is found or count bars have been checked, whichever comes first. 

For each bar, condition is evaluated as if that bar were the current bar, i.e. without knowledge of future splits relative to that bar.

If count is omitted then there is no maximum (all bars before this one are potentially checked). 

If condition was never true, the return value is 0. 

If condition is currently true, but wasn't true yesterday, the return value is 1. 

If condition was true today and yesterday, the return value is 2, and so on.

This function supports one-pass calculation when used in the Data Section without a count argument.




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