RealTest creates a folder called "Backups" within the installation folder (by default C:\RealTest\Backups).
Whenever a script file (*.rts) is saved, the prior version is first copied to the backups folder and renamed to add a version number, e.g. myscript(1).rts.
Version numbers of previously backed up scripts are first incremented, so that (1) is always the most recent backup, (2) the second most recent, etc.
The maximum number of backups of each file to keep is controlled by a setting in the Script Options dialog box and defaults to 3.
The RealTest.ini configuration file is also automatically backed up each time it is saved, using the same mechanism and max backups setting.
No other file types are backed up as the others (data, results, logs, etc.) can be recreated by re-running scripts.
It, of course, highly recommended to add your RealTest scripts folder(s) and the backup folder to your list of folders to be backed up by whatever automatic local or cloud backup services you are using, i.e., to also maintain backups of these critical files in a location other than your working computer.
When configuring external backups of RealTest files and folders, it is advisable to exclude data files (*.rtd), as they can be quite large and are easy to recreate.
It is also advisable to exclude your Data folder and/or *.rtd files from your anti-virus scanning software for better performance.