Information about the current stock in a test or scan.
?CII - corresponding industry index symbol string
?Currency - currency in which security trades
?Domicile - country name string
?Exchange - exchange name string
?EconSect - economic sector name string
?EquityType - security equity type (Common, Unit, etc.)
?IndGroup - industry group name string
?Industry - industry name string
?ListingType - security listing type (Primary, ADR, etc.)
?Name - security/company name string
?ReportingCurrency - currency in which security reports earnings
?Sector - business sector name string
?Symbol - security symbol string
?Type - security type string
InfoID - Norgate Asset ID for this symbol
InfoExpiry - futures contract expiration date
InfoFloat - shares in circulation
InfoGICS - Global Industry Classification Standard code
InfoMargin - futures contract current margin requirement
InfoTRBC - Thomson Reuters Business Classification code / - Norgate current fundamental item value / date
FilterNum - which filter was passed in a multi-filter scan
InList - whether the stock was part of a specific IncludeList during import
ListNum - number of first IncludeList the stock was part of during import
PointValue - futures contract point value
InfoShares - shares in existence
Symbol - current symbol code
TickSize - futures contract tick size