Scans are used when we want to extract a subset of data from the currently loaded data file and display that data in a specific way.
If you've gone through Tutorial 3, then you already know a lot about Scans.
To run a scan, you must first import or load a data file, then open or create a script that includes a Scan section.
If the currently active script includes a Scan section, then the Scan button on the Tool Bar (and the Scan item on the Run Menu) will be enabled. Pressing it will run the script in scan mode.
As with all run modes, Scan first applies your settings from the Settings Panel, then applies the Settings script section if one is present. Finally, if your script includes a Scan Settings section, items that it specifies will override your general-purpose settings for those items.
The Filter formula of a scan defines which symbols and bars are included in the output.
The Sort specification item lets you define the initial sort order by column name.
All other items in a scan definition are used to add columns to the output with any desired contents.
For some examples of how to use scans to generate candidate or order lists for daily trading, see Daily Setups Scan, Multi-Row Scan and Test Output Scan.