The Settings Panel is used to specify all the settings needed to run tests or scans.
All these settings (except the active script name) can optionally be specified within a script.
This gives you the choice to either use this panel interface, a pure script-based approach, or a mixture of the two.
This panel can be hidden or shown using the View Menu or by pressing the F11 key.
The Settings Panel includes the following items:
❖Data File
Specifies a previously imported .RTD file to use in a test or scan.
This file is automatically loaded into memory (if not already there) when a script is run.
Use the load button to load it manually.
❖Active Script
When any of the script run commands is chosen, it is applied to the currently active script window.
This will always be the script which was most recently opened or edited.
It is designated as "Active Script" in its title and its path is automatically shown in the "Active Script" field on the settings panel (if visible).
It is also possible to run any script without first opening it in a window by selecting it on the settings panel.
A script selected on the settings panel will remain active until a different script is selected or a script window is opened.
❖Test Name
A place to type a brief note that will be displayed in the results window row for the test after it is run.
❖Account Size
Specifies the amount of money to use in the simulated account when running tests.
❖Date Range
Specifies the range of dates to use for the next test or scan.
❖Bar Size
Specifies the default data time period to use when running a script or using the debug panel. Currently supported bar sizes are Daily, Weekly, and Monthly. Weekly and Monthly bars are derived from daily bars, so it is not necessary (nor supported) to import weekly or monthly data.
❖Keep Trades
Specifies the categories of trade records to keep in each test result record (each row of the Results window).
Options are:
•Strategy - include normal strategy trades
•Benchmark - include benchmark strategy trades
•Skipped - include skipped trades (from each of the above categories if selected)
❖Test Output
Specifies which type of additional output to create when a test is run besides the usual results data.
Some of the these (Report, Trades, Graph) can also be run manually at any time by selecting a row in Results and then clicking the corresponding toolbar button.
The others (Scan, Log, Debug) must be selected before a test is run in order to be generated by that test.
Available choices are:
•Report - generates the per-strategy and per-month summary report at the end of the test
•Trades - displays the round-trip trade list at the end of the test
•Graph - opens a stats graph at the start of the test and updates it dynamically as the test runs
•Scan - runs a TestScan simultaneously with the test, allowing fully customizable output of test-related data
•Log - generates a detailed transaction and position log and displays it at the end of the test
•Debug - opens the debug panel before closing end-of-test positions to allow full examination of the test context on the last date, and whether to show output from DebugEntry, DebugExit and DebugTargetStop statements (if any) in the script