RealTest User Guide
RealTest User Guide



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Strategy Elements


Open position exposure limit for a strategy or group of strategies


Any formula specifying a percentage


MaxExposure is one of the Capacity Constraints formulas used in the setup selection process.

A setup is only selected if its position size plus those of other setups selected so far plus current S.Invested of open positions divided by current S.Alloc would not exceed the percentage expressed as MaxExposure.

If a setup cannot be selected due to this constraint and the strategy specifies Reduce: True, then the position's Quantity will be reduced to allow the position to be ordered for entry at smaller size if possible.

Setups skipped for this reason display "max exposure" in the Reason column of the Trade List, provided that the KeepTrades setting included Skipped.

If MaxExposure is not specified then there is no limit placed on total percent exposure, though there might still be investment limits if the strategy specifies MaxInvested and/or MaxPositions.

To cap exposure at the strategy's current allocation use MaxExposure: 100.

Note that opening gaps beyond a specified order price may cause actual exposure to exceed the specified cap in some situations -- think of this constraint as "maximum intended exposure".

See Also: Backtest Engine Details and Capacity Constraints

When using Legacy Mode:

MaxExposure is checked at position entry time rather than setup selection time

EntryScore is used to determine which entries got priority

MaxExposure cannot be used in Combined or StatsGroup




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