All the elements of a trading strategy definition.
Allocation - dollars allocated to this strategy
Ambiguity - assumption to use when sequence of entry/target/stop is unknowable
BarSize - strategy-specific timeframe
CalendarSym - symbol to use as the market date list for this strategy
CashInOut - daily deposit and/or withdrawal specification by formula
CashList - CSV file with list of specific deposit and/or withdrawal amounts
Category - position category value for use with MaxCatExp, MaxCatInv, and MaxSameCat
CloseSlip - slippage for at-close market transactions
Commission - commission per entry or exit transaction in dollars
Compounded - optionally overrides the automatically-determined S.Compounded setting
DebugEntry - log output from a running test at EntrySetup evaluation time
DebugExit - log output from a running test at ExitRule evaluation time
DebugTargetStop - log output from running a test at ExitLimit / ExitStop evaluation time
DynamicSizing - determines whether strategy operates in a special dynamic sizing mode
EntryLimit - price to use when entering a position with a limit order
EntryScore - ranking value for entry-time constraints (does not impact setup selection)
EntrySetup - true/false condition for whether a stock is a setup this period
EntrySkip - condition for whether to skip an entry (does not impact setup selection)
EntryStop - price to use when entering a position with a stop order
EntryTime - logical time of day at which positions are to be entered (typically next open)
EntryTradeValue - calculates a value to store in T.ValueIn item in the trade list record for this entry
ExitLimit - price to use when exiting a position with a limit order
ExitLimitQty - share or contract quantity for partial limit-price exits
ExitLimitTime - exit limit execution time
ExitQty - share or contract quantity for partial at-market exits
ExitRule - true/false condition for whether to exit a position
ExitStop - price to use when exiting a position with a stop order
ExitStopQty - share or contract quantity for partial stop-price exits
ExitStopTime - exit stop execution time
ExitTime - logical time of day at which positions are to be conditionally exited (typically next open)
ExitTradeValue - calculates a value to store in T.ValueOut item in the trade list record for this exit
FuturesMargin - dollar margin required to open a futures position
GreedyScoring - determines whether strategy uses a special variant of top-down setup selection
LimitExtra - extra excursion beyond a limit price required to assume order was filled
LimitSlip - slippage for at-limit-price transactions (typically 0)
MarkToMarket - whether strategy equity includes open-position mark-to-market value
MaxCatExp - maximum same-category percent investment
MaxCatInv - maximum same-category dollar investment
MaxEntries - maximum position entries to allow (rarely used)
MaxExposure - maximum percent investment
MaxInvested - maximum dollar investment
MaxLongExp - maximum long percent investment
MaxLongInv - maximum long dollar investment
MaxNetExp - maximum net long-short percent investment
MaxNetInv - maximum net long-short dollar investment
MaxNewExp - maximum new exposure per day
MaxNewInv - maximum new investment per day
MaxNewPos - maximum new positions per day
MaxPerTurn - how many setups per selection turn a strategy can add
MaxPositions - maximum open positions
MaxSameCat - maximum same-category position count
MaxSameSym - maximum same-symbol position count
MaxSetups - maximum entry setups per day
MaxShortExp - maximum short percent investment
MaxShortInv - maximum short dollar investment
MaxSymExp - maximum same symbol percent investment
MaxSymInv - maximum same-symbol dollar investment
MinFreeCash - minimum free cash in the account
MinNetExp - minimum net long-short percent investment
MinNetInv - minimum net long-short dollar investment
OpenSlip - slippage for at-open market transactions
OrderMktAsLmtPct - allows generated market orders to optionally be converted to limit orders
OrderNote - string to add to the text of each order and as the "note" value in CSV order lists
OrdersFile - path/name a strategy-specific order list file to generate
OrdersTemplate - path/name a strategy-specific orders template file
PriceRound - order and trade price rounding interval
QtyFinal - can be used to modify the quantity of an entry after top-down setup ranking has been done
QtyPrice - which price (order vs. fill) to use when calculating Quantity, trade fraction, and exposure
QtyRound - position size rounding interval
QtyType - position size formula unit type
Quantity - position size to enter as shares, value, or percent depending on QtyType
Reduce - whether to reduce position size rather than skip the entry due to capacity constraints
RollCost - total cost of each roll transaction while holding a futures position
SetupScore - ranking factor value used to prioritize entry setup selection
SetupSkip - entry setup skip condition
Side - strategy side constant
Slippage - general-purpose slippage (price points)
StopSlip - slippage for at-stop-price transactions
StrategyScore - ranking factor value for strategies at each turn of top-down setup selection
TLAdjusted - whether quantities and prices in an imported trade list are split-adjusted
TLDateFmt - whether dates in an imported trade list are DMY or MDY
TLFields - defines the column layout of an imported trade list CSV file
TLIgnoreRules - whether strategy formulas are ignored in Test mode trade list playback
TLStratName - strategy name within tradelist that maps to this script strategy
TLTimeShift - number of hours to add or subtract to trade list entry dates/times
TradeList - imported trade list file (CSV format)
Using - strategy/benchmark/template to inherit from