Refer to the current bar in a scan or backtest. The value[offset] syntax can be used to refer to previous bars.
BarDate - date of the current bar
BarNum - number of this bar from start of data
BarsLeft - number of bars remaining before the end of data
Close or C - bar close price
Day - day number
DayOfWeek - day of week (Monday is 1)
DayOfYear - day of year
Dividend - dividend amount ($/share)
EndOfMonth - true if next bar will end in a different month than this one
EndOfWeek - true if next bar will end in a different week than this one
Event - user-defined value from Event List file
Extra - bar extra value from CSV import
FunBar - relative bar number within a multi-bar function calculation
High or H - bar high price
InXXX - index constituency flag (Norgate) as set during import
Low or L - bar low price
Month - month number
NextOpen - next bar open price
Open or O - bar open price
Range or R - bar intraday range
Split - bar split factor (unadjusted / adjusted)
TrueRange or TR - bar range including prior close
Volume or V - bar volume
Week - week of year
Year - year number