RealTest User Guide
RealTest User Guide



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Output Format Specification





Several of the Script Sections in RealTest serve to define items which are both calculated and displayed.

These sections include: Charts, Graphs, Results, Trades and Scan.

In each of these sections, the format in which to display the value of the calculated formula can be optionally specified by including a special kind of comment within the formula definition.

A format specification comment must use the squiggly-brace comment style.

If no format specification is provided, the "general" format will be used (as in Excel).

As one quick example, the NetProfit formula in Results.rts is defined as {$0} S.Equity - S.StartEquity. The $0 tells RealTest to display this stat as a whole dollar value.

You can see other examples of these codes in the section links above.

Available Formatting Codes


Used In

Shows This

Digits (if present) Specify


scans, trades, charts, graphs, results

general-purpose numeric value

number of decimal places


scans, trades, charts, graphs, results

general-purpose number without commas

number of decimal places


scans, trades, charts, graphs, results

value as currency

number of decimal places


scans, trades, charts, graphs, results

value * 100 as a percent

number of decimal places


with any of the above codes

value as above, use red if negative

the ABS is the number of decimal places


scans, trades, charts, graphs, results

value as a date string



scans, trades, charts, graphs, results

value as "True" or "False"




show this indicator in the upper indicator pane




show this indicator in the volume pane





draw bars rather than a line

base value (x-axis) for bar chart



show this item in the status bar




override the default item name


An output format specification comment can be inserted anywhere within the item's formula.

Any unrecognized character in the comment cancels its interpretation as an output format.




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