RealTest User Guide
RealTest User Guide



Navigation: Software User Interface > Child Window Menus >

Results Menu





The Results menu appears in the menu bar whenever a Results Window is active, and can also be accessed by pressing the right mouse button within that window.

Menu items with icons next to them are also accessible using the Tool Bar.

Show Stats Graph opens a Daily Stats Graph Window for the selected test. This can also be done by double-clicking on the test row.

Show Trade Plots opens a Trade Plot Window for the selected test.

Show Trade List opens a Trade List Window for the selected test.

Show Summary Report generates a Test Summary Report for the selected test.

Show Optimization Graph opens an Optimization Graph Window for all the tests in this Results Window.

Log Optimization Stats opens a Log Window and writes various summary stats for all the tests in this Results Window.

Show Original Test Script opens a read-only Script Window allowing you to view the exact script that was used to run the selected test.

Log Test Settings opens a Log Window that shows the key settings that were used to run the selected test.

Compare Trade Lists opens a dialog box to select two Test+Strategy pairs, then opens a Trade Comparison Window.

List Unique Symbols opens a Log Window and writes a sorted list of each symbol that appears at least once in the selected test.

Rename Test allows the text in the Name column of the selected test to be modified.

Delete Test deletes the selected test from the Results Window. This cannot be undone.

Delete All Tests clears the current Results Window.

Copy List To Clipboard copies the entire contents of the list to the Windows clipboard as tab-delimited columnar text. This makes it easy to paste the data from the list into a program such as Excel.

Save List As CSV File prompts for a file path and name, then saves the entire contents of the list to the specified file in comma-delimited text (CSV) format.

Save Stats Data as CSV File prompts for a file path and name, then all formulas in the Graphs section are evaluated for the combined stats series for each date of the test and written in CSV columns as raw values (format codes are ignored).

Save Trade List as CSV File prompts for a file path and name, then all standard and custom trade items for every trade in the test are written in CSV columns as raw values (format codes are ignored).

Edit Column Formulas opens a script window with the script that contains the Results Section that was last applied to a Results Window. Most of the time, this will be results.rts unless you've recently applied a different script with a replacement Results section.

Refresh Test List forces all the columns to be recalculated and the contents of the window to be redrawn.




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