RealTest User Guide
RealTest User Guide



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Candlestick/Bar Charts





The most common way you will open chart windows is from either a trade list or scan output list.

There is also a general-purpose "Show Chart" item on the Data Menu, for when you just want to look at a specific symbol.

RealTest chart windows include three panes.

The top pane can show any number of indicators (but they all must share the same scale). This pane automatically appears when it has content and disappears when it does not.

The middle pane shows the OHLC bars or candlesticks, and can also show any number of price-derived lines such as moving averages or volatility bands.

The lower pane, which can also be optionally hidden, shows color-coded volume bars, or can show another group of custom indicators (sharing the same scale). This pane automatically appears when it has content or when the data includes volume bars and disappears otherwise.

The horizontal dividing line between the panes can be dragged up or down with the mouse to change the relative pane heights.

Other features of chart windows:

1.Clicking anywhere in the chart shows the cursor or moves it to that location

2.The period (dot) key toggles the cursor

3.Clicking beyond the range of bars (e.g. in the Y axis legend) or pressing ESC removes the cursor

4.The X key toggles the cross-hairs

5.Scroll Left/Right by doing any of the following:

left/right arrow to move 1 bar

shift+left/shift+right arrow to move 10 bars

roll the mouse wheel (with or without shift)

drag the Scrollbar thumb

6.Zoom in/out by doing any of the following:

enter a visible bar count in the options dialog

hold down Ctrl and roll the mouse wheel

press the + or – keys

grab and drag either end of the scrollbar thumb

if the caret is not visible, click and drag across a subset of the visible range to zoom in to that subset (hit ESC to revert to the former view)

7.Drag the horizontal divider line between two panes to change their relative sizes

As with results and graphs, custom elements are added to charts using the Charts Section of a script:

If the active script does not include a Charts section then the default script – Charts.rts in the program directory – is applied.

Other chart options are accessible via the Chart Menu and the options dialog.

The "Trade Extra" setting controls the positioning of the X Axis relative to the current trade when scrolling through a trade list.

This makes it possible to efficiently review many trades from a backtest – an effective way to get new ideas for things to test.

The "Show Other Trades" setting optionally causes all trades in the current symbol that are within the visible date range to be shown together on one chart.




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