These define the settings to apply when running a script.
AccountSize - starting capital amount
AccountType - specifies the type of account being modeled
BarSize - default test data timeframe
CashIntPct - interest rate received for positive daily excess cash
Currency - account base currency for multi-currency system models
DataFile - test data file path
DateDisplay - how dates are displayed in the user interface, scans, trade lists, etc.
DateInput - how dates are parsed when day/month vs. month/day is ambiguous
EndDate - last date of test
ExchangeMap - details about specific exchanges for which you may want to generate orders
HolidayList - list of holidays (only required for order generation)
KeepTrades - types of trades to store in each results record
LegacyMode - activates the older (pre-2.0.26) way of processing setups and applying constraints
MarginIntPct - interest rate charged for negative daily excess cash (margin loan)
NumBars - number of market dates to test
OrderClerkFolder - path of folder to use with OrderClerk
OrdersFile - path\name of order list file to generate
OrdersLiveData - allows order generation for "ThisClose" entry and exit times
OrdersMode - specifies the format of generated orders
OrdersNetLiq - path\name of a text file containing the current live Net Liquidation Value of a brokerage account
OrdersTemplate - path\name of CSV order list template file
RandomSeed - provides a way to use the same sequence of random numbers every time a script is run
ReportContent - specify which content items to include in summary reports
ResultsFile - path\name of RTR file to open or create before running a test
RiskFreeRateSym - symbol of data series to store in the test statistics for later use when calculating Sharpe
SaveChartsTo - path of folder in which to automatically save a chart for every row of the scan
SavePositionsAs - path\name of CSV file to create at end of a test to list open positions
SaveScanAs - path\name of CSV file to create and write scan output to
SaveStatsAs - path\name of CSV file to create and write stats details to
SaveTestListAs - path\name of CSV file to create with the list of test results as they appear in the results window
SaveTradesAs - path\name of CSV file to create and write the trade list to
SaveTradesType - format to use for SaveTradesAs output file
ScanNoDefCols - allows the default Date and Symbol columns to be optionally omitted
ScanNoHeader - allows creation of a CSV file with no header row
ScanNoWindow - allows scanning directly to CSV without displaying the output in a window
SkipTestIf - allows tests to be skipped in multi-parameter optimizations (e.g. useless parameter combinations)
StartDate - first date of test
SymChangeList - path\name of CSV file containing list of symbol changes to use when processing imported trades
TestName - give the test a name
TestOutput - additional output and actions during and after a test
TestScanAllDates - allows TestScan to ouput rows for every date of a test, not just the last date
UseAvailableBars - allows simple averages and indicators to optionally be calculated with fewer bars than specified